The Promised Return of the Culture Hero

I have gathered here some examples of various tribes’ traditions that involve a promise from their respective culture hero to return. Micmac The first example comes from the last chapter of On the Trail of Elder Brother: Glous’gap Stories of the Micmac Indians, by Michael B. Running Wolf & Patricia Clark Smith. Below are selected quotes from the prophecy I find particularly relevant to us today. The full prophecy can be read in the book and is worth a read. “‘By now, I have taught you all you need to know in order to live well in this world,’ he replied. ‘You may fear that this is not the case, but it is so. And when the time comes, I promise you I will return. Only one thing remains to be given to you, and that is a knowledge of things that will come to pass before I come back to walk among you once more. I’m going to give you that knowledge now.’” “‘Far off is another invasion,’ Glous’gap continued. ‘In enormous canoes bearded men are coming from ac...