The Code of Handsome Lake
Today is a venture into the territory of a different tribe, the Seneca. I have been studying The Code of Handsome Lake . As a brief summary: Handsome Lake is the name of a man belonging to the Seneca tribe, who became known to them as a prophet during the last stage of his life. He was in his sixties when he experienced a long period of sickness attributed to his alcoholism . During this experience, he experienced a mighty change of heart that cumulated in what he claimed was a visitation of three messengers from the Creator. At the time of this initial vision, he collapsed and appeared as if he was dead to his family . He arose to begin teaching the message that the three messengers taught him (the Gaiwiio), continuing for approximately 15 years until his death on August 10, 1815. His teachings were unique at the time because they honored many things about Christianity without abandoning Seneca wisdom and tradition. As If He Were Dead The first striking thing I notice ...