Lakota Divine Woman: Part 2

Part 1 of this series can be found here. Understanding part 1 will be essential to understanding this second part, which deals with the symbolic identity of White Buffalo Calf Woman. Other than the meaning behind the sacred pipe to symbolically identify her, we have two other things. The account of Black Elk tells us that she is wakan, or sacred/holy/divine. She is a heavenly type of being. Secondly, accounts of her visit demonstrate that the man with “bad intentions” towards her could not accomplish his design. “Early one morning, very many winters ago, two Lakota were out hunting with their bows and arrows, and as they were standing on a hill looking for game, they saw in the distance something coming towards them in a very strange and wonderful manner. When this mysterious thing came nearer to them, they saw that it was a very beautiful woman, dressed in white buckskin, and bearing a bundle on her back. Now this woman was so good to look at that one of the...