
Showing posts from June, 2019

The Journey to Know God

In a book about Micmac folklore, called On the Trail of Elder Brother: Glous'gap Stories of the Micmac Indians , is this description of their culture hero, Glous'gap: "God is called Gitji Manitou (the Great Spirit) or Nigsam (Holy Grandfather) or Kesoulk (The Creator), and Glous'gap is the embodiment of his power. It is he who moves about on the earth and who has direct dealing with people and animals. Our stories tell us that Glous'gap cannot live without the people, nor can we live without him. He is our spiritual teacher, the ultimate warrior, medicine person, and occasional trickster. Some say he is a spirit; others think he is human. In any case, the things Glous'gap says and does are models for the way our people approach life." Like 3 Nephi describes in the Book of Mormon, beginning at chapter 5 , they have traditions about this individual having lived among them for a time, and of his role in teaching humans how to live together. "As o...